Friday 31 January 2014

Friday, Friday, Friday

Another Friday has arrived and I am itching to get out the door and on the road. 

My trusty Jetta Candy. I think she needs a car wash!
Before I start I should give you some background on where I ski.  My home mountain is in the small town of Ellicottville, NY called HolidayValley, which is, an hour and half from where I live and go to school. So when Friday finally rolls around I can’t wait to get out the door to brave Mother Nature and hit the road.  It is common for me to drive through whiteouts and sometimes I am forced to take the back roads because the main highways are closed due to weather conditions.  I am sure you all know the saying, "rain or shine" well mine has become "snow or shine". If I don't have any homework, group projects, or family chores I am out the door running on Friday afternoons. This week I am free to hit the road early.
The rush isn't to get there to ski Friday night, the rush is to get there to see all of my friends and family. We always cook an amazing dinners, drink some great wine and get to bed early, because tomorrow morning we separate the skiers from the lodgers. Its always a competition to who will be out the door first? Now I won't say I am always out the door first, it all depends on the night before, I won't lie, but I am out the door first 75% of the time.

This week I am not only rushing to get Ellicottville but I am also on my way to the airport to pick up my godmother, who is coming in from Chicago for a weekend of skiing. 
Well I better hit the road. I hope you all make time for the things you love.

Friday 24 January 2014

My name is Joanna, and I am a Skier.

My name is Joanna and I have an addiction, I am a skier.  I am told the first step is admitting you have problem.  I have been skiing since I was two years old, and there is nothing I love more in life then a sunny winter day with lots of snow.  This blog will highlight not only my passion for skiing and the lifestyle but also all the different kinds of skiing available. 
My dad and I at age 4 at Holiday Valley Resort (Ellicotville, NY)
First, I should explain how I became so consumed with this winter sport. It all started when I was two years old and my father strapped me to a pair of skis. It wasn’t long after that I knew I was hooked.  I went on to take lessons and join many different teams.  Downhill is the type of skiing I do now but I used to race, freestyle, free ride (halfpipe and park), and cross-country ski.  Skiing is such a complex sport; even after all these years I am nowhere near a master.
As you can tell I love skiing, but sadly I am forced to get a job and move out of my parent’s house. So this year I decided to go back to school to help meet these societal standards. I am currently enrolled at Niagara College in the Graduate Public Relations Program, and I think I’ve come up with the perfect future plan.  I will get a job at a ski resort doing PR…
Thanks for joining me on this adventure of trying to balance my obsession with real life.
Lets make some turns
– Joanna